The party approached the door, stepping over ten, maybe twenty bodies to get to its massive handle. They could hear crying within and didn't hesitate. They forced the door open, while pushing the bodies aside, and within came a sound that sent a thousand needles down their backs.
"Ah, fresh meat!"
Standing before them was a large demon, its small horns protruding from its skull. In its hands was a huge cleaver covered with chucks of flesh and blood from recent kills. Around the creature were hundreds of bodies, some stacked in piles - most in pieces as they must have been dismembered out of joy. The floor tiles were soaked with blood.
It was obvious this den was setup as a proud display - a trophy room perhaps to all that this things has killed. It was a mere display of power or accomplishment. It was a sight that would make any caring man puke.
To its side was a girl, her clothing torn to rags and her body red with blood as she scrambled on the floor trying to get away. Her attempts were failing her as she climbed across several bodies, slipping through them as easily as a child climbing up a muddy hill in the rain. Her screams echoed loudly throughout the chamber - desperate cries for mercy.
The Butcher turned its attention away from the girl and rushed the party - his great cleaver smashing down on them with precision, cutting deep into everyone he managed to hit. Some rushed in to save the girl, some rushed in to attack the creature. It didn't take long for Ivan to get singled out - it was as if this butcher knew a holy man would make a welcomed piece in his work of art.
Some were out in the hallway, firing magic and arrows - Astorol and Ivan were the only two left in the room, fighting their fears, and facing the blows of a wailing axe.
The girl was protected by Farador but it didn't take long for her to think otherwise - Farador was not all that convincing that he'd protect her and she went running off into the distance. It was only expected since she wanted to be nowhere near the creature that hacked away most of the people she had known and loved in town.
The party eventually destroyed the monstrosity and led the girl to safety. It was Astorol who got the final blow.
The girls name is Gillian, barmaid of the Rising Sun Tavern.
From the words of Farador:
"It's obvious the town folk were led here to be slaughtered. Men, women, and children too. The question is, did Lazarus know he was leading them to their doom? If he did, then I can't wait to meet him."
DM Notes: Here is a quick demo video showing the pathway to the Butcher:
Low Resolution Version:
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The dead walk and they’re hungry
The party made their way to the second level of the monastery and they immediately noticed a change; upstairs there were thugs and scum - here there are undead. It started out with flaming skeletons who threw balls of fire without hesitation. Later, it was even more frightening – zombies. The sheer thought of being eaten by the dead is enough to make anyone uneasy.
The party entered the area with little caution at first, led mainly by the sounds that mimicked the moans of someone in pain. When they entered, they were shocked by the visions they saw; bodies, blood, and worse than that, feeding. The dead were on their knees, hovering over their food as they ripped, and tore at the flesh of recent victims.
Before the party could take action, they were rushed. It was as if these zombies were coming out of the woodwork - smelling the living.
There were even a couple dogs, half rotten; their growls now more terrifying than ever before as their maggot filled throats gurgled deeply with every roar.
The party quickly got overwhelmed. They struck a few of them down but were soon surrounded. Then, off in the distance, they heard cries. They heard the cries of a young male pleading to an older man.
In from the north, they walked in; a man carried a boy over his shoulder – the boys leg was missing, cut clean by something sharp and swift. Blood was rushing down the man from the thrashing stump.
The zombies could smell fresh blood and turned to the man. He was forced to drop the boy and fight back, but in mere seconds, he was knocked unconscious. The boy scrambled away, using only his arms to pull himself. His screams were louder, now more desperate as ever as he saw his hero being munched on by the foul creatures.
Some of the party recognized the man as Griswold, the blacksmith in town. He was one of the best craftsmen in the land, obviously trying to save the boy from this wrenched place.
The party was torn – do they save themselves as they are surrounded, or do they rush in deeper to save Griswold? Ivan knew what had to be done and rushed in next to Griswold while sacrificing his own life to save that of another. He managed to get in and heal Griswold. Needles, the Elf of the party, shined as he fired arrows rapidly at the slow monstrosities. With Elven precision, he was dropping them instantly by firing arrows through their mush filled heads.
Ivan drew the attention off Griswold but was now getting all the attention. The zombies were biting at him and succeeding. It looked hopeless.
The party did all they could and put Griswold's life first. It was a sacrifice worth taking because in the end, Griswold regained consciousness and got out alive. The boy he was saving, was Wirt.
This was only the beginning - Griswold explained that the undead were only a small portion of the horrors that lied ahead. Wirt cried out that the Butcher severed his leg and that most of the town folk fell to his bloodied axe. It was the worst thing any of them had ever seen. Bodies.... So many bodies....
They all agreed - this Butcher must be destroyed..

From the words of Needles:
"No, I am not surprised at all. I am top marksman in the Elven militia so it is no surprise to me that I took out those two zombies in one shot. The fact is, most people tend to lose their cool when surrounded by animated corpses, which is totally understandable; let's face it, they stink, they are covered with maggots, and their decaying teeth are not too pleasant when they are gnawing into your shoulder."
Needles smirks for a moment and turns serious again.
"listen, they are predictable; they are slow and tend to group up. The others fail to see this. Just stay on the move and they can't eat you. Shoot an arrow through their head and it's over with - move on.."
The party entered the area with little caution at first, led mainly by the sounds that mimicked the moans of someone in pain. When they entered, they were shocked by the visions they saw; bodies, blood, and worse than that, feeding. The dead were on their knees, hovering over their food as they ripped, and tore at the flesh of recent victims.
Before the party could take action, they were rushed. It was as if these zombies were coming out of the woodwork - smelling the living.
There were even a couple dogs, half rotten; their growls now more terrifying than ever before as their maggot filled throats gurgled deeply with every roar.
The party quickly got overwhelmed. They struck a few of them down but were soon surrounded. Then, off in the distance, they heard cries. They heard the cries of a young male pleading to an older man.
In from the north, they walked in; a man carried a boy over his shoulder – the boys leg was missing, cut clean by something sharp and swift. Blood was rushing down the man from the thrashing stump.
The zombies could smell fresh blood and turned to the man. He was forced to drop the boy and fight back, but in mere seconds, he was knocked unconscious. The boy scrambled away, using only his arms to pull himself. His screams were louder, now more desperate as ever as he saw his hero being munched on by the foul creatures.
Some of the party recognized the man as Griswold, the blacksmith in town. He was one of the best craftsmen in the land, obviously trying to save the boy from this wrenched place.
The party was torn – do they save themselves as they are surrounded, or do they rush in deeper to save Griswold? Ivan knew what had to be done and rushed in next to Griswold while sacrificing his own life to save that of another. He managed to get in and heal Griswold. Needles, the Elf of the party, shined as he fired arrows rapidly at the slow monstrosities. With Elven precision, he was dropping them instantly by firing arrows through their mush filled heads.
Ivan drew the attention off Griswold but was now getting all the attention. The zombies were biting at him and succeeding. It looked hopeless.
The party did all they could and put Griswold's life first. It was a sacrifice worth taking because in the end, Griswold regained consciousness and got out alive. The boy he was saving, was Wirt.
This was only the beginning - Griswold explained that the undead were only a small portion of the horrors that lied ahead. Wirt cried out that the Butcher severed his leg and that most of the town folk fell to his bloodied axe. It was the worst thing any of them had ever seen. Bodies.... So many bodies....
They all agreed - this Butcher must be destroyed..

From the words of Needles:
"No, I am not surprised at all. I am top marksman in the Elven militia so it is no surprise to me that I took out those two zombies in one shot. The fact is, most people tend to lose their cool when surrounded by animated corpses, which is totally understandable; let's face it, they stink, they are covered with maggots, and their decaying teeth are not too pleasant when they are gnawing into your shoulder."
Needles smirks for a moment and turns serious again.
"listen, they are predictable; they are slow and tend to group up. The others fail to see this. Just stay on the move and they can't eat you. Shoot an arrow through their head and it's over with - move on.."
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Book, the Ink, and the Pedestal
Gabriel was enthralled by a book since it has been so long since he had a moment’s peace, to relax and read. He approached and read the opened page.
"Here rest the keepers of peace - soldiers proud to give their lives to protecting the people. Their honor and duties as soldiers have earned their remembrance for as long as this monastery holds them."
There were many pages – maybe 75 or so but this book was only opened to this one section. Gabriel looked around at the glass enclosure and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary that wouldn’t prevent him from just lifting the glass cover off and reading the rest of it.
The other party members looked on, unprepared with what he was to do next.
Without hesitations, Gabriel lifted the glass. A super loud bell began to ring inside of the pedestal and before Gabriel could react, jets of yellow ink sprayed all around the pedestal, covering him from head to toe.
He was drenched. He was bright yellow.
Farador ran over with his picks and tried to disable the device that was causing the intense audible disturbance, and in under a half minute, he disengaged it.
It was quite again – all they could hear was the ringing in their ears. All they could see was a bright yellow Gabriel holding a glass cover.
Gabriel tried to wipe the ink but it was drying too quickly – there was no hope. He didn’t seem to mind and was more focused on the book. He carefully grabbed it making sure not to disturb its aging beauty..
With the flick of his wrist, Gabriel made his yellow complexion fade, “at least for a while” he said.
From the words of Garbiel:
" I had been fighting back monsters and men for days. Couldn't even remember the last time I sat down and had a chance to think. After years of being forced to quietly study others great deeds, I finally had a chance to act and longed for a moments peace.
Then I saw it.
We had just reentered the first level of the monastery, when we noticed a room we had skipped over the first few times down. As I arrived at the door I saw a large tome of some kind displayed on a decorative podium. The book was cleverly left open to the pages that introduced five heroes long past. The heroes were laid out in closed caskets at the rear of the room. The book itself was placed on a pillow under a large glass lid, which did a great job of preserving the book over years.
What secrets could be found in its pages? What knowledge, just waiting to be learned? It was the greatest treasure I had found yet. Maybe all this; the King, the Prince, this place, maybe it could all begin to make some sense if I understood what these brave adventurers lived and died for. Without another moments thought, I removed the lid.
Anyway, as I was saying, I really hadn't taken much of a break in a while. And well sometimes, when you go a few days of constant adventuring, exploring, and fighting, you forget how important a moment’s thought can be. Yeah, it was trapped.
Immediately after I had my poor lapse in judgment I paid for my haste. Sirens loud enough to fill the monastery began to bellow out for help and a strange yellowish shower quickly covered my entire body. Lucky for me the trap was quite harmless. It was just yellow ink. Farador was able to stop the sirens with just a little bit of trouble and I can conceal my new look with a little magic. I walked away from that one in good shape...
Now if you would like to hear a story with a more painful ending... ask me about that secret door they found while I was taking the book. Ouch."
Gabriel Dareus.
Cutscene: Cain's Search
A few minutes ago, the party met up with Cain and mentioned some things that a kobold revealed after interrogation. The kobold mentioned a Dragon leader known as Xalarax, a lair in the north eastern mountains, and more importantly, a visit from a human by the name of Lazarus, who was there in search for an ancient artifact. It was also brought up that Lazarus supposedly outsmarted the dragon and left with what he intended to find…
Deckard Cain shuffled back to his house and rushed to his study. He knew he had heard that name before but he couldn't put his finger on it.
“Xalarax... Xalarax... I know you are here somewhere – lost in my mind perhaps, but I know you reside somewhere in these many pages”.
Cain rustled through old scrolls left to him by his long passed bloodline.
“Let’s see… The Great Conflict… The Sin War... The Dark Exile... I know you are in here somewhere ...”
Cain grabbed scroll tube after scroll tube, hoping that one would spark something, but these writings have been so far out of reach of his memories it soon became evident that he would have to open each one and dig deeper. It has been so many years since he laid eyes on these.
He pulled out one with the inscription “The Binding of Three” and began to read...
“A secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East.”
He flipped a handful of pages and skipped forward, as if he already knew the stuff he was reading.
“The powers of hatred and wanton destruction seemed to diminish in the east as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third brother”.
“I know you are in here somewhere, Xalarax. Reveal yourself to me...”
Cain placed the parchment down on a pile of books and slightly nudged the table by accident as he got up to stretch. The parchment began to slide and as Cain reached to catch it, he bumped the stack of books which caused them all to go falling to the floor in a side-splitting event of chain reactions.
“Oh my, what a mess I have created!” he said in laughter.
He reached down as he got on his knees while he began sifting and placing pages upon pages to tidy up. As he picked up one, something caught his eye..
“Oh how mysteriously you reveal yourself. There you are!”
From the written words of Jared Cain: “We knew we did all we could to protect the locations of the brothers. We decided to deliver the artifacts to… … …”
Cain read on and one piece of parchment led him to the next. By morning, he had a firm grasp on the situation, but there was more that had to be done first. His newfound friends saved Ogden, the innkeeper, who mentioned a creature known as The Butcher. It is this Butcher who is responsible for the missing people.
Deckard Cain shuffled back to his house and rushed to his study. He knew he had heard that name before but he couldn't put his finger on it.
“Xalarax... Xalarax... I know you are here somewhere – lost in my mind perhaps, but I know you reside somewhere in these many pages”.
Cain rustled through old scrolls left to him by his long passed bloodline.
“Let’s see… The Great Conflict… The Sin War... The Dark Exile... I know you are in here somewhere ...”
Cain grabbed scroll tube after scroll tube, hoping that one would spark something, but these writings have been so far out of reach of his memories it soon became evident that he would have to open each one and dig deeper. It has been so many years since he laid eyes on these.
He pulled out one with the inscription “The Binding of Three” and began to read...
“A secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East.”
He flipped a handful of pages and skipped forward, as if he already knew the stuff he was reading.
“The powers of hatred and wanton destruction seemed to diminish in the east as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the Horadrim continued their grim search for the third brother”.
“I know you are in here somewhere, Xalarax. Reveal yourself to me...”
Cain placed the parchment down on a pile of books and slightly nudged the table by accident as he got up to stretch. The parchment began to slide and as Cain reached to catch it, he bumped the stack of books which caused them all to go falling to the floor in a side-splitting event of chain reactions.
“Oh my, what a mess I have created!” he said in laughter.
He reached down as he got on his knees while he began sifting and placing pages upon pages to tidy up. As he picked up one, something caught his eye..
“Oh how mysteriously you reveal yourself. There you are!”
From the written words of Jared Cain: “We knew we did all we could to protect the locations of the brothers. We decided to deliver the artifacts to… … …”
Cain read on and one piece of parchment led him to the next. By morning, he had a firm grasp on the situation, but there was more that had to be done first. His newfound friends saved Ogden, the innkeeper, who mentioned a creature known as The Butcher. It is this Butcher who is responsible for the missing people.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monastery: Kobold Encounter
After the party arrived in Tristram and saved the old man known as Cain, they set forth to check out the monastery below the church. Cain mentioned that the town folk were recently gathered up under the leadership of the Archbishop Lazarus, to go in the monastery and save the Kings son, Price Albrecht. Lazarus claimed the boy was located and held against his will by a lone thug. The people in town eagerly gathered everything they could; rakes, shovels, sickles, and torches, and they marched in 2 days ago. None have returned.. Cain feared the worst..
The party went in and quickly found a variety of villains and rogues; Kobolds, Goblins, even Halflings and Gnomes. It appeared that many of the local scum made their way into the unprotected burial chambers, looking for quick treasure and loot. The creatures they faced were quick to draw their weapons and when words were exchanged, it wasn't mere pleasantries, but rather, threats and challenges. What was odd was that none of these groups worked together - they all seemed there for their own selfish greed. They were of no trouble for the party and the groups were quickly dispatched.
There was one room however that was of interest - it was a room protected by a group of Kobolds who felt the need to play the party - like pawns in a chess game. These Kobolds told the party to leave them be and to mind their own business but the party heard something odd - something that sounded like a slight whimper. Marching in and totally ignoring the threats, they entered the room and saw an interesting arrangement of obstacles which were strategic placed around the room. It was almost as if the Kobolds knew the party was coming and had time to prepare for them.
From the words of the Kobold Leader:
"How funny it is that your kind are so predictable - hear a whimper and come to the rescue. Let us have some fun shall we? We far more superior Kobold-kind have a little bet amongst each other to see how predictable you are in a little game we have prepared. oh, you have no choice but to play because after-all, you are heroes and there is no way you could miss an opportunity like this.."
The leader commanded a kobold to poke his spear inside a nearby opened casket and out yelped a cry - it sounded like the cry of an elderly woman.
"Let the games begin.." the Kobold leader hissed with confidence and excitement..
The party was not pleased to know these creatures had a woman captured and was torturing her. Without a moments thought, they charged in and maneuvered through the many obstacles that were placed around the chamber. At first, the kobolds just sat and watched, cheering as the predicable 'heroes' were making their moves. Fire traps were stepped on, and more cheers roared. Then the Kobold leader made another move - he made an order to the Kobold who just poked the woman inside the casket and without hesitation, the Kobold began to open his worn leather leggings. He then began urinating on the woman within. The party could hear her gasping for air as she was being saturated with the putrid liquid.
The party went into a fury - the thought of such a disrespectful act drove them into a rage and they let loose against the cheering audience. Metal was clashing and fireballs were cast upon the leader. There was no way these Kobold scum would get away with this, but the leader spoke again.
"Ah yes, predictable indeed, of course you would strike me. Let me step up the game a bit and let us see what you do now!"
He waved his arm and off in the distance came a kobold with a jug. The kobold poured the jug into the casket and the woman cried out again!
"Fresh oil makes for a good meal.." the leader hissed with confidence. "Hit me once more, and I will unleash a fire down upon her frail body!"
What a situation this was - one strike against the kobold leader and the old woman was a goner. This didn't slow the party however and they continued killing off the weaker kobolds who were now moving in on them.
They waited for a mistake - they waited for an opportunity. Eventually, the Kobold leader made an action that left himself vulnerable. The party instantly reacted and focused all their power on him at once. It didn't take long and in mere seconds, the Kobold leader fell to his death. He was hit by everything including arrows, weapons, balls of fire, and holy magic - not one of the heroes could take full credit since they all had their role in the kill. The leader simply stood no chance...
They rushed over to save the old woman and pulled her out. Gabriel out of pure hate, placed his ball of fire on the lifeless leader while they did. The woman was old and she claimed to be Milly, Ogden's mother. She cried that Odgen was down there somewhere and she was worried about him terribly. They calmed her and led her back to safety in town..
Gabriel later that night:
"I remember the first day I learned to sustain my power. It was an interesting lesson but I shrugged it off as not being as important as the raw, arcane power, for which it sustained".
Gabriel throws the remains of a badly burned lower jaw on the table.
"I was wrong.. That is the last day he will order anyone to piss on the elderly.. Sustaining a ball of fire for 30 minutes; that is power."
The Scene Afterwards:
The party went in and quickly found a variety of villains and rogues; Kobolds, Goblins, even Halflings and Gnomes. It appeared that many of the local scum made their way into the unprotected burial chambers, looking for quick treasure and loot. The creatures they faced were quick to draw their weapons and when words were exchanged, it wasn't mere pleasantries, but rather, threats and challenges. What was odd was that none of these groups worked together - they all seemed there for their own selfish greed. They were of no trouble for the party and the groups were quickly dispatched.
There was one room however that was of interest - it was a room protected by a group of Kobolds who felt the need to play the party - like pawns in a chess game. These Kobolds told the party to leave them be and to mind their own business but the party heard something odd - something that sounded like a slight whimper. Marching in and totally ignoring the threats, they entered the room and saw an interesting arrangement of obstacles which were strategic placed around the room. It was almost as if the Kobolds knew the party was coming and had time to prepare for them.
From the words of the Kobold Leader:
"How funny it is that your kind are so predictable - hear a whimper and come to the rescue. Let us have some fun shall we? We far more superior Kobold-kind have a little bet amongst each other to see how predictable you are in a little game we have prepared. oh, you have no choice but to play because after-all, you are heroes and there is no way you could miss an opportunity like this.."
The leader commanded a kobold to poke his spear inside a nearby opened casket and out yelped a cry - it sounded like the cry of an elderly woman.
"Let the games begin.." the Kobold leader hissed with confidence and excitement..
The party was not pleased to know these creatures had a woman captured and was torturing her. Without a moments thought, they charged in and maneuvered through the many obstacles that were placed around the chamber. At first, the kobolds just sat and watched, cheering as the predicable 'heroes' were making their moves. Fire traps were stepped on, and more cheers roared. Then the Kobold leader made another move - he made an order to the Kobold who just poked the woman inside the casket and without hesitation, the Kobold began to open his worn leather leggings. He then began urinating on the woman within. The party could hear her gasping for air as she was being saturated with the putrid liquid.
The party went into a fury - the thought of such a disrespectful act drove them into a rage and they let loose against the cheering audience. Metal was clashing and fireballs were cast upon the leader. There was no way these Kobold scum would get away with this, but the leader spoke again.
"Ah yes, predictable indeed, of course you would strike me. Let me step up the game a bit and let us see what you do now!"
He waved his arm and off in the distance came a kobold with a jug. The kobold poured the jug into the casket and the woman cried out again!
"Fresh oil makes for a good meal.." the leader hissed with confidence. "Hit me once more, and I will unleash a fire down upon her frail body!"
What a situation this was - one strike against the kobold leader and the old woman was a goner. This didn't slow the party however and they continued killing off the weaker kobolds who were now moving in on them.
They waited for a mistake - they waited for an opportunity. Eventually, the Kobold leader made an action that left himself vulnerable. The party instantly reacted and focused all their power on him at once. It didn't take long and in mere seconds, the Kobold leader fell to his death. He was hit by everything including arrows, weapons, balls of fire, and holy magic - not one of the heroes could take full credit since they all had their role in the kill. The leader simply stood no chance...
They rushed over to save the old woman and pulled her out. Gabriel out of pure hate, placed his ball of fire on the lifeless leader while they did. The woman was old and she claimed to be Milly, Ogden's mother. She cried that Odgen was down there somewhere and she was worried about him terribly. They calmed her and led her back to safety in town..
Gabriel later that night:
"I remember the first day I learned to sustain my power. It was an interesting lesson but I shrugged it off as not being as important as the raw, arcane power, for which it sustained".
Gabriel throws the remains of a badly burned lower jaw on the table.
"I was wrong.. That is the last day he will order anyone to piss on the elderly.. Sustaining a ball of fire for 30 minutes; that is power."
The Scene Afterwards:
The Party Arrives
It was a dreary night from the moment the party arrived.. The darkness of the night ran as dark as the thick air, and they knew something was terribly wrong when all they could see were a few flickering torches in the center of town. It didn't take long for someone to spot a kobold thug pillaging around the blacksmiths front door. There was nobody in town which was a sure sign that trouble was brewing. The party rushed in to meet with the scum face to face, and it was certain that these long tongued reptilians were no match for them.
Off in the distance, someone heard the cries of a male in despair and could see one of the nearby buildings ablaze; next to it, stood a kobold animal handler commanding two fire beetles. They were spraying streams of fiery liquid at the front entrance way of what appeared to be a persons home.
The man inside was screaming, crying for help out the top window, while waves of heat radiated around him in the crisp air. They could see his visage, chaotically dancing from the flames blocking his only way out.
The kobolds were smart and they used the darkness to their own advantage. They were scattered, and more and more came out of the woodwork. Even so, they just slowed down the inevitable - death.
The party cleaved forth and eventually dropped them them all - one by one. They rushed over to the burning home and made thier way inside. They grabbed the elderly man and helped him out unscathed. After putting out the fire via buckets and water, the man introduced himself as Cain the elder...
"I was outnumbered and rushed my old bones into the house to escape them all. Since I was the only one they spotted, they sent the Kobold animal handler to my house first, commanding two fire beetles to spray fiery liquid against their will upon my front door. From my upstairs window I could see smoke billowing upward and I looked around in search of something that could aid me as a countermeasure. There was nothing in my room but flammable linens and parchment. In all the madness, all I could think of was losing all my documents; so many records - so many years - so much knowledge. I have protected that writing for so many years as did my ancestors before me, and to think that it could all be destroyed by such annoying and pesky creatures. I always imagined a much more heroic end to my journey, getting snapped in the jaws of a Great Worm or disintegrating in the grasp of a flaming Balrog - not this way!"
Visual preview of the scene:
Off in the distance, someone heard the cries of a male in despair and could see one of the nearby buildings ablaze; next to it, stood a kobold animal handler commanding two fire beetles. They were spraying streams of fiery liquid at the front entrance way of what appeared to be a persons home.
The man inside was screaming, crying for help out the top window, while waves of heat radiated around him in the crisp air. They could see his visage, chaotically dancing from the flames blocking his only way out.
The kobolds were smart and they used the darkness to their own advantage. They were scattered, and more and more came out of the woodwork. Even so, they just slowed down the inevitable - death.
The party cleaved forth and eventually dropped them them all - one by one. They rushed over to the burning home and made thier way inside. They grabbed the elderly man and helped him out unscathed. After putting out the fire via buckets and water, the man introduced himself as Cain the elder...
"I was outnumbered and rushed my old bones into the house to escape them all. Since I was the only one they spotted, they sent the Kobold animal handler to my house first, commanding two fire beetles to spray fiery liquid against their will upon my front door. From my upstairs window I could see smoke billowing upward and I looked around in search of something that could aid me as a countermeasure. There was nothing in my room but flammable linens and parchment. In all the madness, all I could think of was losing all my documents; so many records - so many years - so much knowledge. I have protected that writing for so many years as did my ancestors before me, and to think that it could all be destroyed by such annoying and pesky creatures. I always imagined a much more heroic end to my journey, getting snapped in the jaws of a Great Worm or disintegrating in the grasp of a flaming Balrog - not this way!"
Visual preview of the scene:
Monday, January 12, 2009
(Map) Tristram
I made this map with Photoshop and used objects found at and RPGMapshare. I edited the heck out of it to give the map that dark and dreary feel to it. I also laid out the map differently than the Tristram in the video game; I guess I just wanted it to have a new and refreshing feel to it.

I think the first town scene (soon to come) was pretty successful during game using Maptool, mainly because of the Vision and Lighting system that Maptool has. It really gave the players that feeling of uncertainty - not knowing what was around each corner or out in the darkness outside of their light sources.
I have a quick video showing the Vision and Lighting system in Maptool:
As you can see, bright lighting overrides dim lighting, and creatures come into view as the light hits them and go out of view as light moves away. It really brings the game to an all new level.

I think the first town scene (soon to come) was pretty successful during game using Maptool, mainly because of the Vision and Lighting system that Maptool has. It really gave the players that feeling of uncertainty - not knowing what was around each corner or out in the darkness outside of their light sources.
I have a quick video showing the Vision and Lighting system in Maptool:
As you can see, bright lighting overrides dim lighting, and creatures come into view as the light hits them and go out of view as light moves away. It really brings the game to an all new level.
Friday, January 9, 2009
(DM Talk) The Gaming Tools
Over all the years of playing D&D, I have used many tools, most of which are electronic. Since this is a D&D 4th edition game, I have shelved DMGenie and E-Tools, and turned to the Wizards of the Coast, DDI tools. I have found the Character Builder to be the most important out of all the others available at DDI and anxiously await their final release due out shortly.
Ultimately however, my most prized and most important tool of all is Maptool, which is an electronic game table (computerized battle mat). Maptool allows me, as a DM, to be able to make my maps well ahead of time, and pull them up as needed during game. No more dry erase markers; no more erasing and drawing again; no more room size limitations. With Maptool, I can have outdoor battle scenes that are thousands of feet long, overland maps that span miles, dungeons that have real light in them, and character tokens with real vision that cannot see around corners or though buildings. Maptool has allowed me to make D&D as realistic as possible. I love it when the party splits up and I hear a player say "where did everyone go?". Anyway, I could talk for hours about how cool Maptool is but instead, I highly suggest checking it out yourself. Oh, and it is free. :)
I also use RPGSoundmixer to orchestrate all my sound effects and music. It is the most powerful sound tool I have ever used. The only downside about it is that it doesn't work with Vista and development hasn't been active for a long time. After sending an e-mail to their developer, he assured me that they will most likely work on a new version in the future. Time will tell.
Ultimately however, my most prized and most important tool of all is Maptool, which is an electronic game table (computerized battle mat). Maptool allows me, as a DM, to be able to make my maps well ahead of time, and pull them up as needed during game. No more dry erase markers; no more erasing and drawing again; no more room size limitations. With Maptool, I can have outdoor battle scenes that are thousands of feet long, overland maps that span miles, dungeons that have real light in them, and character tokens with real vision that cannot see around corners or though buildings. Maptool has allowed me to make D&D as realistic as possible. I love it when the party splits up and I hear a player say "where did everyone go?". Anyway, I could talk for hours about how cool Maptool is but instead, I highly suggest checking it out yourself. Oh, and it is free. :)
I also use RPGSoundmixer to orchestrate all my sound effects and music. It is the most powerful sound tool I have ever used. The only downside about it is that it doesn't work with Vista and development hasn't been active for a long time. After sending an e-mail to their developer, he assured me that they will most likely work on a new version in the future. Time will tell.
The Characters
Needles Incognito (Greg): One of the Elven Rangers who assisted in the diplomatic mission to return the soldiers captured in Westmarch. While not a diplomat himself, he was brought only for protection. Needles was later told by his people to assist in uncovering the truth behind Leorics strange and unusual behavior. “Something is astray and evil approaches”. Needles is a great asset to the group since he is one of the best marksmen in the Elven militia as well as master of the wilderness. His people live in a secret location unknown to both kingdoms but close enough to be mixed up in their petty differences.
Gabriel Darius (Chris): Gabriel was told by Lazarus (Leoric’s Archbishop) to seek out a mage of high order in Westmarch and to see if he can uncover any clues about the missing Albrecht. Gabriel did as he was instructed but when he arrived, he found the mage with a fresh neck wound so deep it just about removed his head. This was bad timing or a setup, nonetheless, Gabriel was locked up to be sentenced and later executed if found guilty of murder. Gabriel was cleverly rescued by Astorol and Farador only a few days after being captured. Lochdanan made it clear that Gabriel was of great importance and must live - nobody asked why. Perhaps only the two of them know for sure.
Farador Demonstar (Gary): Farador is one of only a few in the kingdom known as a warlock. Farador worked closely with Lachdanan on undercover hit and run deployments. Lachdanan counted on Farador’s ability to go unnoticed in the eye of the enemy. In fact, it was Farador, along with the aid of Astorol, who broke in and freed their companion Gabriel before the 4 day attack on Westmarch. Farador sees something stirring in the stars but he can’t put his finger on it.
Ivan Limestone (Jack): Ivan was a dear friend of Lachdanan along as being the perfect image of the Zakarum ideals. If a Dwarf following Moradin could walk into a Zakarum temple to pray, then anyone could. Ivan was on the battle field alongside his friend Lachdanan when they struck Westmarch. Actually, it was Ivan himself who kept Lachdanan alive during the retreat when Lachdanan got struck in the neck by an arrow. After being healed by Ivan, Lachdanan rose to his feet to continue fighting and the two of them eventually got split up amongst all of the chaos. Ivan was smashed over the head when outnumbered and woke up in a Westmarch prison. He was only there for 3 days until the Elven diplomats convinced the kingdom to let him and the others free.
Astorol Drakonus (Kevin): Astorol is in many ways, the one of the best warriors under Lachdanan’s lead. Lachdanan himself, trained Astorol in the ways of combat and religion. They are both very honorable and well respected amongst the community. Lachdanan asked Astorol and Farador to go in and rescue Gabriel from the cells of Westmarch. It was the fierce tongue of Astorol that intimated the guards into believing that he worked there and forgot his badge at home. When he returned with Ivan, Lachdanan promoted him and insisted that he join him on the battle field against Westmarch. Astorol agreed and was the last man standing that day before backing out.
Gabriel Darius (Chris): Gabriel was told by Lazarus (Leoric’s Archbishop) to seek out a mage of high order in Westmarch and to see if he can uncover any clues about the missing Albrecht. Gabriel did as he was instructed but when he arrived, he found the mage with a fresh neck wound so deep it just about removed his head. This was bad timing or a setup, nonetheless, Gabriel was locked up to be sentenced and later executed if found guilty of murder. Gabriel was cleverly rescued by Astorol and Farador only a few days after being captured. Lochdanan made it clear that Gabriel was of great importance and must live - nobody asked why. Perhaps only the two of them know for sure.
Farador Demonstar (Gary): Farador is one of only a few in the kingdom known as a warlock. Farador worked closely with Lachdanan on undercover hit and run deployments. Lachdanan counted on Farador’s ability to go unnoticed in the eye of the enemy. In fact, it was Farador, along with the aid of Astorol, who broke in and freed their companion Gabriel before the 4 day attack on Westmarch. Farador sees something stirring in the stars but he can’t put his finger on it.
Ivan Limestone (Jack): Ivan was a dear friend of Lachdanan along as being the perfect image of the Zakarum ideals. If a Dwarf following Moradin could walk into a Zakarum temple to pray, then anyone could. Ivan was on the battle field alongside his friend Lachdanan when they struck Westmarch. Actually, it was Ivan himself who kept Lachdanan alive during the retreat when Lachdanan got struck in the neck by an arrow. After being healed by Ivan, Lachdanan rose to his feet to continue fighting and the two of them eventually got split up amongst all of the chaos. Ivan was smashed over the head when outnumbered and woke up in a Westmarch prison. He was only there for 3 days until the Elven diplomats convinced the kingdom to let him and the others free.
Astorol Drakonus (Kevin): Astorol is in many ways, the one of the best warriors under Lachdanan’s lead. Lachdanan himself, trained Astorol in the ways of combat and religion. They are both very honorable and well respected amongst the community. Lachdanan asked Astorol and Farador to go in and rescue Gabriel from the cells of Westmarch. It was the fierce tongue of Astorol that intimated the guards into believing that he worked there and forgot his badge at home. When he returned with Ivan, Lachdanan promoted him and insisted that he join him on the battle field against Westmarch. Astorol agreed and was the last man standing that day before backing out.
The year is 1265.
One year ago, a lord from the Eastern lands by the name of Leoric came to your people and swore to bring peace and love throughout the land through a unified church which he called Zakarum. By showing the people that the gods of good have similar values, the people came together through the ideals Leoric presented to them. By encompassing all of the non-evil gods under the generic name of Zakarum, The King was identified by the people as “the keeper of peace” and it was clearly evident that this man from the eastern kingdom would certainly earn the throne. Before the end of 1264, he did, and the people were united by their own will.
As King, Leoric continued to earn respect throughout the land. His churches allowed followers of non-evil gods to come together and share scripture. All non evil gods were welcome within the Zakarum temples as were the people who followed them. For the first time in history, there wasn’t friction amongst the people and as a result, most holy wars came to an abrupt halt.
Over the last year, there was an exciting burst in public interest to become part of the order under King Leoric. You were one of them and 9 or so months ago you were proudly sworn in to provide some sort of service to the king. Some provided healing services, while others proudly wore the Zakarum emblem on their armor as soldiers of peace. You all had a place in the grand order. This was a good time and for the first time in history, your kingdom was ruled by a caring soul who wished to unite the people under one common umbrella: PEACE
Most of you met under the command of Lachdanan, captain of King Leoric's army. It was he who gave you your duties and overlooked your progress under a loose thumb. Lachdanan is one of the best people you have ever known – a great man, a man of honor, and a man of great wisdom. He has been an inspiration and not only do have you great respect for him, he has become a close friend as well.
Your first 6 months were a complete joy – you all worked together in some way or another and have all become great friends. It wasn’t until the 7th month however that things began to change in the kingdom – darkness seemed to plague the rumor mills and many locals started voicing out that Leoric should not be trusted.. It was said that Leoric was imprisoning all of those who questioned his authority and it was rumored that he was executing many as traitors. All of this was hearsay however and no real evidence was ever uncovered. Lachdanan, being captain of the king’s army, assured you that he witnessed none of these events and doubted them completely. He had a great respect for Leoric as did most. That sort of behavior was outside Leoric's capability.
A couple months ago something terrible had happened; the king’s son, Prince Albrecht vanished. He was nowhere to be found and this drove Leoric in a maddening state. It was reported by the arch Bishop Lazarus, Leoric’s holiest and closest advisor, that the kingdom of Westmarch was involved with this kidnapping and this angered Leoric beyond all sense of reason. The king ordered an immediate attack on the neighboring realm and each of you followed under the order of Lachdanan himself. When you arrived to the battle front, it was obvious that the army of Westmarch was far stronger than yours and after 4 days of blood, it was evident that you, and hundreds of others, were sent out on a suicide mission – there is no way you could have dented their defenses. Lachdanan ordered a retreat but most of his men were killed. Some were captured and put in prison while only a few escaped with their lives. Lachdanan was disturbed by the king’s hasty decision to attack – it was so unlike Leoric to order such a thing without good reason. Something appeared terribly wrong..
The Elven diplomats caught word of the onslaught and secretly met with the Westmarch leaders. The Elves convinced Westmarch to release the men who were captured during the 4 day battle and allowed them to return free to your people. Upon returning, It was immediately clear that 95% of Leoric’s army perished.. The people began to lose hope and the kingdom started to disregard Leoric and the Zakarum ideals. As the hopes and dreams of the people began to crumble, Leoric withdrew from the local uproar, and dwelled over his missing son in a small town outside of the kingdom. Leoric started to renovate the very old monastery months ago and it was here where he felt most at peace. Leoric has always been a very religious person and it is no surprise that he felt comfort in a holy place filled will long forgotten heroes.
You all met up with Lachdanan after your eye opening return from Westmarch, and had a secret meeting with him. He told you that he was going to visit Leoric at the monastery and get to the bottom of this madness. He told you that if he doesn’t return, to come search for him there. He looked a bit worried but being the man he was, you had no doubt he would be OK.. You were wrong – he never returned.
As a group, you have all decided to seek out your friend and commander. You made your way out and headed towards the small town in hopes to find him. The journey was long but you have arrived and are just outside the small town, ready for bed. You see a sign hanging, bearing the words “Welcome to Tristram”..
One year ago, a lord from the Eastern lands by the name of Leoric came to your people and swore to bring peace and love throughout the land through a unified church which he called Zakarum. By showing the people that the gods of good have similar values, the people came together through the ideals Leoric presented to them. By encompassing all of the non-evil gods under the generic name of Zakarum, The King was identified by the people as “the keeper of peace” and it was clearly evident that this man from the eastern kingdom would certainly earn the throne. Before the end of 1264, he did, and the people were united by their own will.
As King, Leoric continued to earn respect throughout the land. His churches allowed followers of non-evil gods to come together and share scripture. All non evil gods were welcome within the Zakarum temples as were the people who followed them. For the first time in history, there wasn’t friction amongst the people and as a result, most holy wars came to an abrupt halt.
Over the last year, there was an exciting burst in public interest to become part of the order under King Leoric. You were one of them and 9 or so months ago you were proudly sworn in to provide some sort of service to the king. Some provided healing services, while others proudly wore the Zakarum emblem on their armor as soldiers of peace. You all had a place in the grand order. This was a good time and for the first time in history, your kingdom was ruled by a caring soul who wished to unite the people under one common umbrella: PEACE
Most of you met under the command of Lachdanan, captain of King Leoric's army. It was he who gave you your duties and overlooked your progress under a loose thumb. Lachdanan is one of the best people you have ever known – a great man, a man of honor, and a man of great wisdom. He has been an inspiration and not only do have you great respect for him, he has become a close friend as well.
Your first 6 months were a complete joy – you all worked together in some way or another and have all become great friends. It wasn’t until the 7th month however that things began to change in the kingdom – darkness seemed to plague the rumor mills and many locals started voicing out that Leoric should not be trusted.. It was said that Leoric was imprisoning all of those who questioned his authority and it was rumored that he was executing many as traitors. All of this was hearsay however and no real evidence was ever uncovered. Lachdanan, being captain of the king’s army, assured you that he witnessed none of these events and doubted them completely. He had a great respect for Leoric as did most. That sort of behavior was outside Leoric's capability.
A couple months ago something terrible had happened; the king’s son, Prince Albrecht vanished. He was nowhere to be found and this drove Leoric in a maddening state. It was reported by the arch Bishop Lazarus, Leoric’s holiest and closest advisor, that the kingdom of Westmarch was involved with this kidnapping and this angered Leoric beyond all sense of reason. The king ordered an immediate attack on the neighboring realm and each of you followed under the order of Lachdanan himself. When you arrived to the battle front, it was obvious that the army of Westmarch was far stronger than yours and after 4 days of blood, it was evident that you, and hundreds of others, were sent out on a suicide mission – there is no way you could have dented their defenses. Lachdanan ordered a retreat but most of his men were killed. Some were captured and put in prison while only a few escaped with their lives. Lachdanan was disturbed by the king’s hasty decision to attack – it was so unlike Leoric to order such a thing without good reason. Something appeared terribly wrong..
The Elven diplomats caught word of the onslaught and secretly met with the Westmarch leaders. The Elves convinced Westmarch to release the men who were captured during the 4 day battle and allowed them to return free to your people. Upon returning, It was immediately clear that 95% of Leoric’s army perished.. The people began to lose hope and the kingdom started to disregard Leoric and the Zakarum ideals. As the hopes and dreams of the people began to crumble, Leoric withdrew from the local uproar, and dwelled over his missing son in a small town outside of the kingdom. Leoric started to renovate the very old monastery months ago and it was here where he felt most at peace. Leoric has always been a very religious person and it is no surprise that he felt comfort in a holy place filled will long forgotten heroes.
You all met up with Lachdanan after your eye opening return from Westmarch, and had a secret meeting with him. He told you that he was going to visit Leoric at the monastery and get to the bottom of this madness. He told you that if he doesn’t return, to come search for him there. He looked a bit worried but being the man he was, you had no doubt he would be OK.. You were wrong – he never returned.
As a group, you have all decided to seek out your friend and commander. You made your way out and headed towards the small town in hopes to find him. The journey was long but you have arrived and are just outside the small town, ready for bed. You see a sign hanging, bearing the words “Welcome to Tristram”..
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Diablo Revisited: Introduction
This is my blog for keeping track of a D&D game I am currently running that is based off the Diablo world created by Blizzard Entertainment (
I am a huge fan of both Diablo and Dungeons and Dragons that I thought I would bring the two together and allow my friends to experience the twisted story of evil being reborn and terrorizing the land. How far will I take this journey? That is hard to answer but I would like for it to span into the whole Diablo timeline starting from their first journey to Tristram and ending with the death of Diablo and his evil brothers Mephisto and Baal. In a D&D game however, nothing is ever concrete and the heroes may fail at their given tasks; it could be the three prime evils that are victorious and their rein over the mortal planes would last for an eternity - let us hope not...
I picked this story for many reasons. First off, I have always been a fan of horror films, books, makeup, special effects, video/sound production, and tales. I have also been a fan of the Diablo games themselves but I felt that being a video game, the story was too set in stone; the linear direction was too concrete with the same ending no matter how, or who you played. I wanted more. I wanted to expand on the story and bring it to life. I want the players to decide what to do and where to go next. I want to be able to give graphical details to the horrors around them because let's face it, evil at that extent should be the worst imaginable evil possibly imagined. I also wanted the players to feel like they are really there and this is really happening - I want a living, breathing world that is constantly in motion. I am also a serious fan of Wizards of the Coasts game called Dungeons and Dragons ( and I believe their new 4th edition ruleset is a perfect match for the Diablo universe. The players are able to make heroic characters with heroic abilities that are perfectly capable of smiting any evil that comes in their way. In my eyes, bringing Diablo and D&D together is a no brainer; good versus evil, and in my eyes, will result in many memorable moments where the adventurers save people in distress, and cleave murderous villians, sending them back to where they came from..
I need to forewarn you; my game will bear an R rating for graphic violence, language, and anything else your worst nightmares can muster. This story is what I imagine in my head in the event that Diablo was walked the earth. It is will be dark and evil in every aspect and if such details turn your stomach, leave now, you have been warned. Diablo is about to walk again, and this is the tale of five adventurers seeking him out...
I am a huge fan of both Diablo and Dungeons and Dragons that I thought I would bring the two together and allow my friends to experience the twisted story of evil being reborn and terrorizing the land. How far will I take this journey? That is hard to answer but I would like for it to span into the whole Diablo timeline starting from their first journey to Tristram and ending with the death of Diablo and his evil brothers Mephisto and Baal. In a D&D game however, nothing is ever concrete and the heroes may fail at their given tasks; it could be the three prime evils that are victorious and their rein over the mortal planes would last for an eternity - let us hope not...
I picked this story for many reasons. First off, I have always been a fan of horror films, books, makeup, special effects, video/sound production, and tales. I have also been a fan of the Diablo games themselves but I felt that being a video game, the story was too set in stone; the linear direction was too concrete with the same ending no matter how, or who you played. I wanted more. I wanted to expand on the story and bring it to life. I want the players to decide what to do and where to go next. I want to be able to give graphical details to the horrors around them because let's face it, evil at that extent should be the worst imaginable evil possibly imagined. I also wanted the players to feel like they are really there and this is really happening - I want a living, breathing world that is constantly in motion. I am also a serious fan of Wizards of the Coasts game called Dungeons and Dragons ( and I believe their new 4th edition ruleset is a perfect match for the Diablo universe. The players are able to make heroic characters with heroic abilities that are perfectly capable of smiting any evil that comes in their way. In my eyes, bringing Diablo and D&D together is a no brainer; good versus evil, and in my eyes, will result in many memorable moments where the adventurers save people in distress, and cleave murderous villians, sending them back to where they came from..
I need to forewarn you; my game will bear an R rating for graphic violence, language, and anything else your worst nightmares can muster. This story is what I imagine in my head in the event that Diablo was walked the earth. It is will be dark and evil in every aspect and if such details turn your stomach, leave now, you have been warned. Diablo is about to walk again, and this is the tale of five adventurers seeking him out...
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