The year is 1265.
One year ago, a lord from the Eastern lands by the name of Leoric came to your people and swore to bring peace and love throughout the land through a unified church which he called Zakarum. By showing the people that the gods of good have similar values, the people came together through the ideals Leoric presented to them. By encompassing all of the non-evil gods under the generic name of Zakarum, The King was identified by the people as “the keeper of peace” and it was clearly evident that this man from the eastern kingdom would certainly earn the throne. Before the end of 1264, he did, and the people were united by their own will.
As King, Leoric continued to earn respect throughout the land. His churches allowed followers of non-evil gods to come together and share scripture. All non evil gods were welcome within the Zakarum temples as were the people who followed them. For the first time in history, there wasn’t friction amongst the people and as a result, most holy wars came to an abrupt halt.
Over the last year, there was an exciting burst in public interest to become part of the order under King Leoric. You were one of them and 9 or so months ago you were proudly sworn in to provide some sort of service to the king. Some provided healing services, while others proudly wore the Zakarum emblem on their armor as soldiers of peace. You all had a place in the grand order. This was a good time and for the first time in history, your kingdom was ruled by a caring soul who wished to unite the people under one common umbrella: PEACE
Most of you met under the command of Lachdanan, captain of King Leoric's army. It was he who gave you your duties and overlooked your progress under a loose thumb. Lachdanan is one of the best people you have ever known – a great man, a man of honor, and a man of great wisdom. He has been an inspiration and not only do have you great respect for him, he has become a close friend as well.
Your first 6 months were a complete joy – you all worked together in some way or another and have all become great friends. It wasn’t until the 7th month however that things began to change in the kingdom – darkness seemed to plague the rumor mills and many locals started voicing out that Leoric should not be trusted.. It was said that Leoric was imprisoning all of those who questioned his authority and it was rumored that he was executing many as traitors. All of this was hearsay however and no real evidence was ever uncovered. Lachdanan, being captain of the king’s army, assured you that he witnessed none of these events and doubted them completely. He had a great respect for Leoric as did most. That sort of behavior was outside Leoric's capability.
A couple months ago something terrible had happened; the king’s son, Prince Albrecht vanished. He was nowhere to be found and this drove Leoric in a maddening state. It was reported by the arch Bishop Lazarus, Leoric’s holiest and closest advisor, that the kingdom of Westmarch was involved with this kidnapping and this angered Leoric beyond all sense of reason. The king ordered an immediate attack on the neighboring realm and each of you followed under the order of Lachdanan himself. When you arrived to the battle front, it was obvious that the army of Westmarch was far stronger than yours and after 4 days of blood, it was evident that you, and hundreds of others, were sent out on a suicide mission – there is no way you could have dented their defenses. Lachdanan ordered a retreat but most of his men were killed. Some were captured and put in prison while only a few escaped with their lives. Lachdanan was disturbed by the king’s hasty decision to attack – it was so unlike Leoric to order such a thing without good reason. Something appeared terribly wrong..
The Elven diplomats caught word of the onslaught and secretly met with the Westmarch leaders. The Elves convinced Westmarch to release the men who were captured during the 4 day battle and allowed them to return free to your people. Upon returning, It was immediately clear that 95% of Leoric’s army perished.. The people began to lose hope and the kingdom started to disregard Leoric and the Zakarum ideals. As the hopes and dreams of the people began to crumble, Leoric withdrew from the local uproar, and dwelled over his missing son in a small town outside of the kingdom. Leoric started to renovate the very old monastery months ago and it was here where he felt most at peace. Leoric has always been a very religious person and it is no surprise that he felt comfort in a holy place filled will long forgotten heroes.
You all met up with Lachdanan after your eye opening return from Westmarch, and had a secret meeting with him. He told you that he was going to visit Leoric at the monastery and get to the bottom of this madness. He told you that if he doesn’t return, to come search for him there. He looked a bit worried but being the man he was, you had no doubt he would be OK.. You were wrong – he never returned.
As a group, you have all decided to seek out your friend and commander. You made your way out and headed towards the small town in hopes to find him. The journey was long but you have arrived and are just outside the small town, ready for bed. You see a sign hanging, bearing the words “Welcome to Tristram”..