Needles Incognito (Greg): One of the Elven Rangers who assisted in the diplomatic mission to return the soldiers captured in Westmarch. While not a diplomat himself, he was brought only for protection. Needles was later told by his people to assist in uncovering the truth behind Leorics strange and unusual behavior. “Something is astray and evil approaches”. Needles is a great asset to the group since he is one of the best marksmen in the Elven militia as well as master of the wilderness. His people live in a secret location unknown to both kingdoms but close enough to be mixed up in their petty differences.
Gabriel Darius (Chris): Gabriel was told by Lazarus (Leoric’s Archbishop) to seek out a mage of high order in Westmarch and to see if he can uncover any clues about the missing Albrecht. Gabriel did as he was instructed but when he arrived, he found the mage with a fresh neck wound so deep it just about removed his head. This was bad timing or a setup, nonetheless, Gabriel was locked up to be sentenced and later executed if found guilty of murder. Gabriel was cleverly rescued by Astorol and Farador only a few days after being captured. Lochdanan made it clear that Gabriel was of great importance and must live - nobody asked why. Perhaps only the two of them know for sure.
Farador Demonstar (Gary): Farador is one of only a few in the kingdom known as a warlock. Farador worked closely with Lachdanan on undercover hit and run deployments. Lachdanan counted on Farador’s ability to go unnoticed in the eye of the enemy. In fact, it was Farador, along with the aid of Astorol, who broke in and freed their companion Gabriel before the 4 day attack on Westmarch. Farador sees something stirring in the stars but he can’t put his finger on it.
Ivan Limestone (Jack): Ivan was a dear friend of Lachdanan along as being the perfect image of the Zakarum ideals. If a Dwarf following Moradin could walk into a Zakarum temple to pray, then anyone could. Ivan was on the battle field alongside his friend Lachdanan when they struck Westmarch. Actually, it was Ivan himself who kept Lachdanan alive during the retreat when Lachdanan got struck in the neck by an arrow. After being healed by Ivan, Lachdanan rose to his feet to continue fighting and the two of them eventually got split up amongst all of the chaos. Ivan was smashed over the head when outnumbered and woke up in a Westmarch prison. He was only there for 3 days until the Elven diplomats convinced the kingdom to let him and the others free.
Astorol Drakonus (Kevin): Astorol is in many ways, the one of the best warriors under Lachdanan’s lead. Lachdanan himself, trained Astorol in the ways of combat and religion. They are both very honorable and well respected amongst the community. Lachdanan asked Astorol and Farador to go in and rescue Gabriel from the cells of Westmarch. It was the fierce tongue of Astorol that intimated the guards into believing that he worked there and forgot his badge at home. When he returned with Ivan, Lachdanan promoted him and insisted that he join him on the battle field against Westmarch. Astorol agreed and was the last man standing that day before backing out.