It was a dreary night from the moment the party arrived.. The darkness of the night ran as dark as the thick air, and they knew something was terribly wrong when all they could see were a few flickering torches in the center of town. It didn't take long for someone to spot a kobold thug pillaging around the blacksmiths front door. There was nobody in town which was a sure sign that trouble was brewing. The party rushed in to meet with the scum face to face, and it was certain that these long tongued reptilians were no match for them.
Off in the distance, someone heard the cries of a male in despair and could see one of the nearby buildings ablaze; next to it, stood a kobold animal handler commanding two fire beetles. They were spraying streams of fiery liquid at the front entrance way of what appeared to be a persons home.
The man inside was screaming, crying for help out the top window, while waves of heat radiated around him in the crisp air. They could see his visage, chaotically dancing from the flames blocking his only way out.
The kobolds were smart and they used the darkness to their own advantage. They were scattered, and more and more came out of the woodwork. Even so, they just slowed down the inevitable - death.
The party cleaved forth and eventually dropped them them all - one by one. They rushed over to the burning home and made thier way inside. They grabbed the elderly man and helped him out unscathed. After putting out the fire via buckets and water, the man introduced himself as Cain the elder...
"I was outnumbered and rushed my old bones into the house to escape them all. Since I was the only one they spotted, they sent the Kobold animal handler to my house first, commanding two fire beetles to spray fiery liquid against their will upon my front door. From my upstairs window I could see smoke billowing upward and I looked around in search of something that could aid me as a countermeasure. There was nothing in my room but flammable linens and parchment. In all the madness, all I could think of was losing all my documents; so many records - so many years - so much knowledge. I have protected that writing for so many years as did my ancestors before me, and to think that it could all be destroyed by such annoying and pesky creatures. I always imagined a much more heroic end to my journey, getting snapped in the jaws of a Great Worm or disintegrating in the grasp of a flaming Balrog - not this way!"
Visual preview of the scene: